Of the remaining candidates, only three remain. Currently at battle for the democratic nomination are Bernie Sanders, and Hillary Clinton. The republican party has already chosen business entrepreneur Donald Trump. These candidates make an odd trio, being the fact that they will all be ‘first times’ for America. Hillary, if elected will be the first female president ever in United States history, Sanders will be the first Jewish president ever to be elected, and Trump will be the first candidate without any known political background to run for office. Each candidate has their pros and cons;however, my support goes to Bernie Sanders.
Bernie Sanders is, without a doubt, the sanest decision of the three …show more content…
Trump has no experience in elective office, while Sanders has been in office since 1981. Trump lacks political experience, while Sanders has multiple positions held over the years as Senator, Mayor, Representative, and Candidate of House of Representative. However, Clinton and Sanders comparison isn’t such a no brainer. Clinton comes with an extensive political background, from being former first lady to Senate and Sate department. Although Clinton and Sanders have similar beliefs, they also have major disagreements. From breaking up the banks to sending jobs overseasas reported by Brown,