Bethany Hamilton was born on February 8, 1990 on Kauai Hawaii. Bethanys parents started teaching Bethany to surf when she was just kid . Her parents would drag her around the water on a surfboard. When Bethany was eight years old her parents entered her in her first competition. She won and her love of surfing grew more an more. Bethany started to become a great surfer. By the time Bethany Hamilton was thirteen years old she had become a talented and well respected surfer. How ever she soon found herself in a trouble some situation. On October 31, 2003 Bethany was surfing with her friend off Kauai’s North Shore. Suddenly she Bethany was attacked by a 14 foot tiger shark. She was rushed to the hospital and had to under go some operations. Bethany lost sixty percent of her blood and had her left arm amputated (took off). Many people thought that Bethany would never surf again. But with her faith in god in trusting him she never let her accident hold her back. One month after she was back in the water trying to surf again. Her balance was a lot different and some things were more challenging but Bethany tried her best to re learn surfing. In January of 2004 only a few months after Bethany was attacked, she entered another surfing competition. The judges offered to give her special benefits such as more time but Bethany refused. She wanted to be treated just
Bethany Hamilton was born on February 8, 1990 on Kauai Hawaii. Bethanys parents started teaching Bethany to surf when she was just kid . Her parents would drag her around the water on a surfboard. When Bethany was eight years old her parents entered her in her first competition. She won and her love of surfing grew more an more. Bethany started to become a great surfer. By the time Bethany Hamilton was thirteen years old she had become a talented and well respected surfer. How ever she soon found herself in a trouble some situation. On October 31, 2003 Bethany was surfing with her friend off Kauai’s North Shore. Suddenly she Bethany was attacked by a 14 foot tiger shark. She was rushed to the hospital and had to under go some operations. Bethany lost sixty percent of her blood and had her left arm amputated (took off). Many people thought that Bethany would never surf again. But with her faith in god in trusting him she never let her accident hold her back. One month after she was back in the water trying to surf again. Her balance was a lot different and some things were more challenging but Bethany tried her best to re learn surfing. In January of 2004 only a few months after Bethany was attacked, she entered another surfing competition. The judges offered to give her special benefits such as more time but Bethany refused. She wanted to be treated just