BZ103 Introduction to Marketing
D’Wayne Wigley
Assessment Task Two: Essay
Due 7/10/2014 (Extension Granted)
Words: 1270
For all Christians it is imperative that our actions and decisions be tested against the benchmark of the Bible in order to stay on the straight and narrow. Firstly to deduce a list of biblical principles suitable for a marketing career it is important to fully understand what is meant by the term marketing. It’s also very important to conduct complete research through the Bible and not simply “cherry pick” a single verse out of context that fit a predetermined agenda. With these things in mind, the Bible portrays many principles that could be used as a benchmark for a marketing career. Possibly the most significant is that of honesty and integrity to be applied when creating product perception. Secondly, to do with the types of material used in marketing campaigns the Bible holds very clear views on maintaining purity of thought. Another principle directly affecting marketers is that of not causing a stumbling block for your brothers (Rom. 14:13).
In order to find biblical principles to form the basis of a marketing career it is first important to define marketing and its function in business. Dr Philip Kotler (2006, ¶3) describes marketing as, “the science of exploring, creating and delivering value to satisfy the needs of a target market at a profit.” He then describes the function of marketing as “identifying unfulfilled needs, quantifying the size of the market, pinpointing which market segments the company can serve best, and designing and promoting a product to appeal accordingly.” In laymen’s terms; having a product, finding out who wants it, and presenting it in a way that attracts those people the most.
A second important thought to note is that businesses in the days of the Bible did not exactly staff a marketing department. This means that there aren’t exactly Bible verses stating exactly
References: Boersema, JM 2002, The use of Scripture in the Integration of Faith in Business, Redeemer University College, Ontario. Collins, RKL 1991, ‘Perspective on Advertising’, online article, The Holy Bible: New International Version, 1973, International Bible Society, Colorado Spring, Col. Kotler, P 2001, ‘Dr Philip Kotler Answers Your Questions on Marketing’, online article, Spiderman 1, motion picture, 2002, Los Angeles, S Raimi Tsague, t 2012, ‘Marketing and Sales: A Biblical Approach by Patrice Tsague’, online article,