2. Logo: The reason for this logo is that because it is a skill challenge there are pylons that you …show more content…
Slogan: Be in it to Win it. The reason for this slogan is that to win our skills challenge not only you have to physically be in it, but you must mentally be in it. Because, if your mentally not into anything you won’t succeed in it. If your stressed, having anxiety or coming to the event thinking you won’t win, are negative mental thoughts that will give you negative impacts. The skills challenge includes your physical and mental ability to believe that you can win. This is why our slogan is “Be in it to Win it”.
4. Educational/social justice aspect: For our educational aspect of this event, we want to let both genders know about how they can join the NBA and WNBA. This is important because not everyone knows the skills and the academic performances they need in order to join the league. This is a big problem that we have solve because a lot of people in our school wants to join the NBA and WNBA but they don’t know how they can get drafted either from high school or university. This is why we thought that this would be a great chance for us to teach them about