Finally, I do know why I’m a Christian. I am a Christian because I believe that this universe couldn’t have been made out of nothing. I also believe that it’d take an intelligent designer to cause this fantastic universe to be created. Furthermore, I believe that the human body is far too complex to be made this way by mere chance or by a million years of evolution. Pretty much, I just can’t imagine how this world or universe could exist without a God actually creating it.…
The cephalopodor octopus is a marine organism that inhabits many diverse regions of the ocean. Its food source consists of crabs, small fish, clams, mussels and other marine animals. The octopus is a predatory animal and has developed many skills to aid in its survival in the environment it has adapted to.…
To clarify what's out there to be investigated, Southall begins the handbook in earnest by defining the terms, since ghosts, spirits and poltergeists are not interchangeable and represent quite different phenomena.Ghosts and apparitions are a kind a recording on the environment - a residual energy that can come from a person, animal or even an inanimate object. We can experience these lingering energies by sight, sound, smell and touch. Spirits are what people most often think of as "ghosts." A spirit is the "actual sentient presence, or soul, of an individual or individuals who have remained in the material world after his or her physical body has died." Southall continues by describing different types of spirits and the reasons they may have stayed behind.…
Who is responsible for creating all of mankind and all that surrounds it? God is responsible for the creation of the universe and the existence of that personal God is proven by a plethora of scientific evidence and logically probable reasons. Ironically, some of the opposing arguments originating from the atheistic worldview contribute to the constructing of theistic truths. While using the multiple competing hypotheses method of finding the most probable cause to the universe and the existence of all mankind, a personal creator fits better than the probability of creation just happening by chance. This universe is very complex and the existence of the personal creator can be explained in two arguments out of the many existing arguments…
Stephen Hawking, one of the World’s leading scientists, released a new book in 2010 called, ‘The Grand Design.’ He and his co-author, Leonard Mlodinow, stated that, ‘you don’t need God to create the universe because the laws of gravity and a certain version of quantum physics suffice to make it inevitable that the universe will create itself, out of nothing, in an infinite variety of forms; and given an infinite variety of forms, a segment or sub-universe friendly to mankind is bound to develop, no design needed, grand or not.’ He also later on in the book writes that, ‘spontaneous creation is the reason there is something rather than nothing, why the Universe exists, why we exist. It is not necessary to invoke God to light the blue touch paper and set the Universe going.’ Both of these quotes are strong evidence that the universe is an accidental one, and there is no such thing as a creator or a created universe.…
Let us assume that it is true to say that there is a clear existence of purpose and design in nature, the question is whether or not the existence of purpose and design implies the existence of God. The design that is apparent in the world can certainly be shown not to be the work of God, or at least God as an omnipotent (he can do anything), omniscient (he knows everything), omnipresent (He is everywhere) being.…
Introduction: In this outline you will learn about who God is, and the nature of our universe. Does us living in this world have a purpose, or is it just wasting our time? Growing up we are set around a worldview of beliefs, and stories, and are set to believe that those are true. This world allows for a diversity of worldviews, but which one is correct or incorrect?…
The anthropic principle proposes that the reason and purpose for the universe is the support of human life: ‘As we look out into the Universe and identify the many accidents…the Universe must in some case have know we were coming’ (Freeman Dyson, The Anthropic Cosmological Principle). It also demonstrates that the design argument need not reject the principles of evolution in order to assume a designing God. However, theistic supporters of evolution argue that scientific principles alone are not enough to explain a perfectly balanced natural order that…
The universe was created from our God; he created this universe with a purpose filled life (Lecture, 3). The universe has been designed to be for human habitat for all life God…
The origin of life has been explained in terms of natural processes, but evidence of intelligent design is expressed by the mere fact that the universe allows life to exist above all other notions. It is still possible to sustain teleological arguments in light of modern scientific principles mainly because of the formation of right conditions to allow life. It is very unlikely that this happens by chance presenting evidence of an intelligent and supernatural being to produce life. Scientific discoveries show how complex and sensitive various conditions need to be for the origin of life for the universe (McGrath, 2010). The universe seems to have been fine-tuned from its inception to produce life on earth. Slight alterations of physical and cosmological quantities in nature would result to an imbalance that would destroy the existence of…
We know that in the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth. Knowing that God is our creator explains to us what our origin is and how things everything was started. As a Christian, my belief is that God is my creator and that all things were created by him.…
Everything has an origin from which it is created. Having a Christian Worldview I know there is only creator and that is God. I can remember my worldview being shaped as early as three years old. I remember the days of my youth going to church with my family like it was yesterday. From a biblical worldview you can find truth and meaning in the scriptures Genesis 1:1 and Psalm 139:13-26. We know God created the world because our faith and trust start within him. In the Bible, Psalm 8:5 and Genesis 2:15 give identity to mankind. We are strong-willed and viewed as caregivers. We are to nurture all other creatures and the earth around us. In John 17:3 and John 17:20-23 our purpose is the interconnection we have with God. He is the reason we have aligned our life with a Christian framework and one day will be with him in Heaven. In their book, Consider, Dr. Lew Weider and Dr. Ben…
The argument for design has evolved over time as both theologians and philosophers have needed to adjust their arguments supporting this theory to address an ever changing landscape of scientific, biological and cosmological discovery. Despite this the essence of the argument remains intact those in support of the theory would argue that our existence on this earth and in this universe is far too complex a chain of events to have happened by chance. That in fact the existence of the universe is itself the result of a set of such improbable circumstances that there has to be intelligence behind its creation an architect, a creator or in religious terms a God (Chappell, 2011, p. 55). The versions of this argument are in my opinion interesting…
“Why does mankind exist?” The purpose of mankind is to have a personal and intimate relationship with God through Jesus Christ who was sent to Earth to save us of our sins (Genesis 3:16-17) and (John 17:3).…
The most accepted theory is the Big Bang – a cosmic explosion that caused the world to exist. Before the Big Bang there had been nothing except an amount of matter that was smaller than the eye of a needle. The explosion caused this to expand and thus; our Universe was created. Scientists believe that it is still expanding, and will one day stop, and begin to contract. They have also found slight ripples of cosmic radiation to prove this.…