Although bigotry is hard to grasp the concept of, it still needs to be understood by the public. I sounds like hate, intolerance, and a few other things combined. All those things combined is bigotry. “Someone has said that it requires less mental effort to condemn than to think.”― Emma Goldman. That quote means that bigoting takes less effort than thinking about the consequences. Throughout history there have been major examples of bigotry, the definition of bigotry is in the dictionary, and most people still don’t understand what it is.
First, bigotry is an unwanted abuse to others. bigotry is intolerance towards one or a group of persons that carry different opinions than you. It can happen At any time where there are “different” people. Even though everyone truly is, ¨different¨ some people may believe that something is wrong with a person because of what they believe, look like, or their gender. It happens Because some people’s ignorance clouds their judgement. It is caused by Ignorant thoughts from ignorant people. This can take place on social networking websites like facebook or instagram, over text messages and phone calls, on xbox live, where gamers can speak to other gamers, or verbally face to face with the person. It happens At any time where there are “different” people. Even though everyone truly is, ¨different¨ some people may believe that something is wrong with a person because of what they believe, look like, or their gender. It is cruel, unwanted, but also hard to stop.
Also, examples of bigotry are helpful to understanding what bigotry is. As first example, Paula Deen used the ¨N¨ word on Food Network on a television show viewed by millions of people daily. It caused her to lose many fans and respect from all races of people. As a second example, adolf hitler and his nazi´s believed that jewish people killed jesus, so the Nazis wanted to serve their god and kill the jewish people. Another example involves gaming. Many