
Bill Of Rights Vs Civil Rights

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Bill Of Rights Vs Civil Rights
According to the textbook, civil rights is the protection of historically disadvantaged groups from infringement of their equality rights by discriminatory action. Civil rights involve the rights of the minority groups being violated, such as African Americans and women. Civil liberties are described as the personal freedoms of individuals that are protected from government intrusion in the textbook. Civil liberties can be found in the Bill of Rights. The government protects minority groups in civil rights while civil liberties are protected from the government. In A Time for Justice, African Americans fought to end racial segregation and discrimination towards the African Americans. They wanted the federal government to protect their …show more content…
The African Americans were not allowed in certain places meant only for Caucasians. The Montgomery Bus Boycott by African Americans, which lasted for 381 days, led to the desegregation of buses. The sit-ins, inspired by Little Rock Nine, fought to desegregate lunch counters. President Johnson asked the Congress to pass the Voting Rights Act of 1965, which increased voter protections, after the Bloody Sunday in which state troopers attacked the peaceful African American marchers with tears gases and clubs. African Americans were able to desegregate buses and bring about the Voting Rights Act of 1965 through their use of non-violence, such as boycott, sit-ins, and peaceful marches. The women fought for their right to vote in One Woman, One Vote. The women’s suffrage movement in the United States lasted for 72 years before the Nineteenth Amendment, which allowed women to vote, was passed. The cultural climate of the time viewed politics as men’s job, so women should not be involved in politics and just stay home. Women were seen as inferior to men. Alice Paul put on a grand parade before the inauguration of President Wilson to show that thousands of women wanted

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