I. Abstract
In this experiment, identification and classification of different types of connective tissue was performed. Also, cells and extracellular matrix was to be identified in them. For this, different already prepared slides were chosen and observed under the microscope to then identify the different parts.
II. Introduction
Apart from the bone and cartilage, the rest of the specialized connective tissues are divided into 4: Muscle tissue, Adipose tissue, Nervous tissue and Blood tissue.
1. Muscle tissue: It is in charge of the contractive action or movement of the body. It can be attached to bone, internal organs and blood vessels. Due to this contraction it performs other actions such as posture, joint stability and heat production. There are 3 types of muscle tissue. * Skeletal muscle: It is composed of striated muscle fibers with many nuclei in the periphery and it is attached to bones. It is controlled by the central nervous system and so it is voluntary. The muscle fibers are striated and each acts independently of the rest of the muscle fibers. * Smooth muscle: It is opposed to skeletal muscle in everything. The fibers are not striated, they are spindle shaped with a central nucleus and they act independently of our consciousness and they are located in the walls of hollow internal organs such as blood vessels, uterus and bladder. They facilitate or retard the transportation of fluid. * Cardiac muscle: It is located in the walls of the heart and its part of the autonomic nervous system too, meaning they contract involuntarily. The cardiac muscle cell has one central nucleus like smooth muscle, but its striated like skeletal. It is rectangular in shape. The contraction is involuntary, strong and rhythmical.
2. Adipose tissue: It is composed of adipose cells called adipocytes. It can be found within the connective tissue isolated or in small pads. It