The biopsychosocial approach to development and functioning was developed by George Engel and John ten year ago. It emphasizes the significance of understanding human health and illness in their fullest contexts, by systemically allowing for biological, psychological and social factor to be considered interactively (1). To incorporate to biopsychosocial approach one must consider: relationships are essential to one’s health, use self-awareness as a analytical and therapeutic tool, elicit one’s history in the framework of life circumstances, choose which feature of biological, psychological, and social domains is most critical in understanding and promoting one’s health and offer multidimensional treatment (1). The physical and motor developmental milestones were right on target or developed early for April. As a new born April slept for the correct amount …show more content…
Walsh (1998) defined resilience as the ability to rebound from crises and challenges more resourceful and able to take charge of their lives. In the case study of April, she had adversities and crisis where she needs the resilience of her family. April’s mother had a very stressful pregnancy due to having difficulty accepting the pregnancy; which lead to gestational diabetes and having April prematurely through a C-section. It is believed that the stress of the pregnancy has caused some of April’s secure attachment issues with her mother. April was also dealing with the stress of her father being sent off to war and the worry that he may never come home. April’s second adversity or crisis was the drastic change from structure of a military base to living in an apartment that did not offer the same amenities of the military base. Also April was dealing with the suicidal of her father in which she has an enmeshed relationship