Question Type: Multiple Choice
1) Which would not be the habitat for terrestrial species of some microorganisms?
a) desert
b) tundra
c) tropical rain forest
d) freshwater lake
Answer: d
Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective 1: LO 25.1 Explain the concept of ecosystems and how energy flows through them.
Section Reference 1: Section 25.1 Fundamentals of Ecology
2. Microbes in the environment can be _____.
a) producers
b) consumers
c) decomposers
d) all of these choices
Answer: d
Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective 1: LO 25.1 Explain the concept of ecosystems and how energy flows through them.
Section Reference 1: Section 25.1 Fundamentals of Ecology
3) Which of the following microbes is not a producer in the environment?
a) photosynthetic bacteria
b) heterotrophic bacteria
c) cyanobacteria
d) protista
e) two of these choices
Answer: e
Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective 1: LO 25.1 Explain the concept of ecosystems and how energy flows through them.
Section Reference 1: Section 25.1 Fundamentals of Ecology
4) Which of the following statements about ecology is incorrect?
a) The biosphere consists of three layers- the hydrosphere, lithosphere and atmosphere.
b) Communities with many populations of organisms are more stable than those with fewer populations.
c) Vegetative cells must have water.
d) The sun is the ultimate source of energy for all organisms in any ecosystem.
Answer: d
Difficulty: Hard
Learning Objective 1: LO 25.1 Explain the concept of ecosystems and how energy flows through them.
Section Reference 1: Section 25.1 Fundamentals of Ecology
5) The loss of water from pores of plant leaves is called:
a) transpiration
b) respiration
c) evaporation
d) two of these choices
Answer: a
Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective 1: LO 25.1 Explain the concept of ecosystems and how energy flows through them.
Section Reference 1: Section 25.1 Fundamentals of Ecology
6) Some microbes can survive drought by