Dr. Eisel
American Literature
Blackfeet Indians
The Blackfeet people were a nomadic group that followed buffalo herds. These people were very dependant on the hunting of the buffalo’s. They used buffalos for many things. They would use their meat for food; use their hides for tipis, clothing, and bedding; use their bones for knives, awls, scrapers, and other weapons and tools; and use their horns for bowls and spoons. They had to change their lifestyle when the white settlers came. They settlers hunted the buffalo close to extinction which made the Blackfeet have to settle in one area and become farmers. The Blackfeet had many traditions passed down. One of these traditions was that everyday the men had to go down to the river and jump in. It didn't matter if it was summer or winter. They said that it made them stronger and it allowed them to withstand the cold weather during hunts. They also had many beliefs that were passed down through the tribe. Some of these beliefs were that nobody is born evil, truth and honesty are the basis of leading an honorable life, all people deserve respect no matter what age or rank they are, and that a good sense of humor is essential if you want …show more content…
The women would spend most of their time cooking and making clothes, while the men would go out and hunt buffalo. The women did however bring the buffalo back to camp where they would butcher it. Buffalo was their main source of food. They also used buffalo for their clothing and tools. Blackfoot Indians wore clothing made out of deer and antelope hide decorated with beads, porcupine quills and feathers. Women wore long fringed dresses, while men dressed in leggings and occasionally wore buckskin shirts. Robes were made from buffalo hide. Children dressed similarly to men with shirts, leggings and moccasins. Chiefs distinguished themselves with tall, ornate feathered