BUFN 740: Capital Markets
Fall 2014
Tuesdays and Thursdays Aug 25, 2014--Oct 13, 2014, 1:00pm—2:50pm, VMH 1330
Instructor: Yajun Wang
Office Hours: Tuesdays and Thursdays 5:00pm-6:00pm Office: VMH 4453
E-Mail: ywang22@rhsmith.umd.edu, Office Number: (301) 405-3412
Teaching Assistants:
CP Sessions: Qi Xu, qi.xu@rhsmith.umd.edu (hold help sessions in CP, grade all homeworks and cases for session 0501, and grade hw #1,2,3 and case #1,2,3 for session 0502)
DC Sessions: Julia Zhu yantong.zhu@rhsmith.umd.edu (hold help sessions in DC, grade all homeworks and cases for session DC C1, and grade hw #4, 5, 6,7 for session 0502)
Help Sessions:
Mondays: 7:30-8:30pm @VMH, Room: VMH 1505
Mondays: 5:00-6:00pm @DC, Room: C2
Course Description
This course covers modern theories and techniques for investments and asset pricing. The main topics covered are: portfolio theory, pricing models, market efficiency, fixed income investment, forwards and futures, and options.
Canvas: Course materials such as lecture notes, required homework assignments, worked solutions to problems, and other useful information will be available on the course web page at
Canvas: https://myelms.umd.edu/
Course Materials
The following textbook is required and will be used throughout the course:
Investments, by Zvi Bodie, Alex Kane and Alan J. Marcus, 9th Edition, published by McGraw
Hill. Henceforth this book will be referred to as BKM.
We will cover three cases in this course.
Case #1 Markov's Trilemma (No. UVA-F-1341) http://store.darden.virginia.edu/markovs-trilemma Case #2 Dimensional Fund Advisors, 2002, HBS (No. 203-026) http://hbr.org/product/dimensional-fund-advisers-2002/an/203026-PDF-ENG Case #3 Ito’s Dilemma (No. UV2481) http://hbr.org/product/ito-s-dilemma/an/UV2481-PDF-ENG I will post class slides and handouts during the course on Canvas.
Course Design, Requirements and Grading
The course requires maximum involvement,