What are problem solving blocks?
A block is anything which prevents us finding an effective solution to a problem. We all experience them, but of different types and intensities. The blocks have been grouped in various ways by different authors according to their cause, eg perceptual emotional intellectual expressive environmental cultural
It's important that you are able to recognise when blocks are hindering your problem solving so that you can take action to overcome them.
What causes these blocks?
The labels applied to these blocks give some clues to their origins.
Perceptual blocks arise from the way we have learnt to recognise information from the world around us. We develop habits of 'seeing' the world, which sometimes can get in the way of finding the best solution to a problem, eg seeing only the most obvious solution.
Emotional blocks arise when our emotional needs conflict with the situation, eg when we do not propose a radical. solution to a problem because we feel it might sound ridiculous and make us look foolish.
Intellectual blocks are caused by us not being able to assimilate information in the ways required to solve a problem, eg not knowing how to evaluate ideas to select the most effective solution.
Expressive blocks arise when we are unable to communicate in the way required to produce an effective solution, eg not being able to express our ideas effectively to those who have to implement the solution. .
Environmental blocks are caused by. external obstacles in the social or physical environment, which prevent us from solving a problem effectively, eg distractions from the task.
Cultural blocks result from our conditioning to accept what is expected or 'normal' in a given situation, eg when the work ethic says that we must be serious-minded, but finding an effective solution requires some playful fantasy.
All of the blocks, except those caused by the physical environment, arise