Although there are any complicated instruments in the blood bank department, but it’s a very important and sensitive section of the medical laboratory as it deals with donors and acceptors of the blood, it transfer for leukemia and thalasemia patients, new born and cancer patients and so many cases blood bank save their lives.
Tests that are carried in this department:
1- Some tests, which included donated free of diseases, serology tests
2- blood grouping
3- rhesus factor"Rh"
4- direct & indirect coombs test
5- cross matching
1-serology tests
To ensure that donated free of infectious diseases as HIV, Hbs, VDRL
These tests are rabid tests using a card
2- blood grouping
Red blood cells contain on their surface on Ag A,B, and the have their antibodies in the serum on the same red blood cells. That means, that every blood group can give a specific other group and receive also from a specific one in order to avoid agglutination and so blood clotting.
Method 1:
On a slide put two drops of blood-
-Add a drop of anti A on the first blood drop, and a drop af anti B on the second blood drop
- mix and wait for 2 minutes
- observe the agglutination
- if happened with anti A the blood group is A
You can use a test tube instead of the slide, and then put the tubes in the centrifuge and watch the agglutination found
3- Rhesus factor "Rh"
Is a complex antigen "D" found on the red blood cells and has its anti in the serum of the blood. 85 % are Rh + which has D in their blood
Its very dangerous if persons, which are Rh negative received Rh positive it makes agglutinations, and may lead to death.
Method :
-As in the blood grouping
-Put a drop of blood + a drop of anti D
Mix together, observe the agglutination -
-If found any agglutinations, its Rh positive.
4-direct & indirect coombs test
This test is carried out to detect the presence of incomplete antibodies, which