* will be given to each student who posts his or her first post to the Group Project thread by no later than Saturday, October 27, 2012. * (5 possible) Group points. How well your group works together will give you 5 possible points. Ways to get points: build on each other's posts (i.e. read group members' posts and respond), ensure all questions in the project thread are covered (in other words, don't duplicate group members' work - build on their answers or answer another question). Ways to lose points: requiring instructor intervention in the group process, failing to work together, ignoring each other's posts. (This group grade will be the same for each student in the group who posts value-added posts on at least 5 days in the thread. If a student posts less than 5 days, his or her group grade may be lower than the other group members' grades due to not helping the group with facilitation of the thread. Harassment or lack of netiquette in a thread may also be a reason for an instructor to deduct one group member's grade over others). GROUP PROJECT TORT SCENARIO
Madison, aged sixteen, lives at home with her mother, Sophia, in a state where the age of majority is eighteen. Sophia is aware that Madison has recently exhibited a sometimes violent and delusionary nature diagnosed as schizophrenia and has attacked persons in the neighborhood. Medication that can control Madison's behavior has been prescribed, but without Sophia's knowledge, Madison has stopped taking it.
A week after Madison stopped taking her medication, she approached a neighbor, Nathan, as he walked along the sidewalk fronting Sophia's home. When she has a face to face with Nathan, Madison, without provocation, gestured threateningly and screamed, "I know you're out to get me and I'm going to get you first," and then walked away.
Nathan, who had no knowledge of Madison's mental illness, phoned Sophia about the incident. Sophia told Nathan that "Madison has sometimes made threats to