5. Read article on “Protesting Miss America”
In world that we live in today, women are an object that we try to perfect. But what defines perfect? In these videos, women are constantly being told how they should look in this world and this all comes back to the advertisement that is seen around today. According to the video titled, Killing Us Softly 3: Advertising’s Image of Women, the average American is exposed to around 3,000 ads per day and we will watch around 3 years of TV commercials in our lifetime. This ads that are exposed to us can be found by these channels: radio, television, newspapers, magazines, billboards, bumper stickers. Whether we “choose” to tune in or not, advertising is everywhere and it is one of the world’s leading industry: known as mass media. The mass media sells values, images, concepts of love, sexuality, romance, success and normalcy based off of who we are and who we should be. Mass media has made it known for making the perfect women, because after all, “she never has any lines or wrinkles, no scars or blemishes, indeed she has no pores.”
As we talked about the perfect women as seen in the mass media today, the second video, Dove Evolution, clearly distorts what true beauty is. It takes the process of make-up and Photoshop and the result is the …show more content…
“perfect” image. There is no such things as this perfect image, and the women do not need to live up to these false images. However, based on both videos, I agree that women are objectified by men but the same could be said for men in mass media as well. Overall, the videos make it pretty clear that in order to be a successful business/cooperation false advertising of men and women is the way to go.
On slide 23, there is an image of four men with one on top of a woman holding her down while the others stand aside and watch. This advertised image itself portrays many things, but the two that really stand out to me is sexuality and romance. Dolce & Gabbana is a fashion company that I have never heard of, but maybe that could be due to their advertising technique. It is clearly evident that there is male dominance in this advertisement, and the female is the object to these men. However, not knowing who was behind this kind of set up makes judging this picture even harder, because whoever was behind this certain advertisement could have been a male or a female. But their goal was clearly to market the fashion clothing line by the Dolce & Gabbana company.
I believe that in order to promote a more positive body image for both men and women we need to break up from this perfect world, because as the saying goes – no one is perfect. All the models that make up the mass media industry are mostly above average. Meaning that most of the models are above average height and often below the average weight for both the male and female. Instead of focusing on how young we should look, we should mostly focus on the product itself or find more average people to market these things. In one of the videos, it goes through a collage of celebrities who are not “perfect,” and it ends on a group of women advertising DOVE: a Campaign for Real Beauty. This image itself is positive because it is not focused on how tall you need to be or how skinny you are. A route like this in any kind of marketing industry could possibly increase in profits, because it does not have expectations of what you should or should not look like while buying these items. After all, it should be focused on an average person and not an above average, photo-shopped, person.
To see the actual weight of an average female model is kind of disturbing. Is that healthy? Is it normal for most 5’ 11” models to weigh around 117 pounds when the average woman is 5’ 4” and weighs around 140 pounds? Also, four out of five ten year olds are afraid of getting fat. That statement alone is very disturbing. What determines a person as being “fat?” When looking at fat on someone’s body, it is normal to have fat on the body. However, maintain the body you want can be achieved through exercise instead of watching T.V., playing video games and many other things. To live a healthy balanced lifestyle, with “healthy images of beauty,” you cannot compare yourself to others because we are all unique in our own ways.
Roe vs.
Wade, I believe, is the decision from the United States Supreme Court on women’s rights in relation to having an abortion. This piece of legislation is still a topic in our mass media headlines today, because of the pros and cons of getting an abortion; however, there is a left and right side to abortion and some support it while others do not. A topic like this could go on, and on because the factor of it relating to human life. To some taking the life of a unborn child is not justified, while other see the complete opposite (especially when things such as rape and incest are brought up). Abortion is a controversial topic to some, so opinions may
My reaction to this quiz is simple because I don’t look at myself differently even when I have gained or lost weight. Depending on the condition you are in, your body image may change. In fact, with me being an elite athlete in the sport I am in, I must maintain good eating habits. With good eating habits comes exercise, so I maintain a pretty healthy lifestyle in my sports. What you put into your body at an elite level will fuel your body and help you recover, especially when injuries are present. Even when I retire from my sport I will not change from this lifestyle because it has become a habit. Regardless of how my body changes, I understand how the body goes through these transitions through life. No matter where I wind up in the next year, or fifty years, I will always look at myself in the mirror and be satisfied. Ultimately, because there is no definition of perfect, and to me I do not need to fit in with something that is more so of an illusion to the eye.
The article itself doesn’t really change my views on feminist. Overall, the reasons for the protest are self-evident. The way women are looked at was not right, and they needed to make a statement that women are not cattle to show off physical attributes.