I had not spoken to Bokonon since the encounter on the side of the road. Bokonon was glamorized by the San Lorenzo community. He was selfish and made it clear that he was superior to everyone else. For some reason people believed the moronic fomas that were written in The Books of Bokonon. Bokonon was not in my karass. I would not allow him to be; especially after making people kill themselves because he had no better options. …show more content…
Soon, our conversations became small talk and we were tired of eachother. Finally I felt it was time to move on into whatever life was next for me. I told Newt I was going on a walk to clear my mind. I climbed to the top of Mount McCabe and I did exactly what Bokonon wrote at the end of his book. I gazed at the world for a bit, laid my head down on this book, and ended it all. I became the statue of stupidity.” -John
And that was the end of John’s journal. This book has been passed around in my family for as long as anyone could remember. No, I do not know how it was found or how the earth eventually unfroze itself. The only thing I do know is that this diary was meant to land in my hands. I do hope that I did it justice by publishing it and I believe that those who read this will have a better understanding of the balance of science and religion in our world.