Ms. Miller
18 December 2012
The American Civil War The Civil War was a war that was fought between the states in the early 1860’s. It was one of the greatest wars in American history. Over a million people fought for their freedom. There are so many things that happen after the civil war. In the Civil War the North had many advantages over the South. The South was outnumbered, out supplied. Many things changed because of the Civil War.
After the Civil War everything wasn’t going so well, everything that was destroyed had to be rebuilt. They also passed laws to give blacks equal rights, but they were still mistreated when there wasn’t anything that could be done. Eventually blacks got the rights to vote and the south was rebuilding themselves. They also got the rights to vote and attend schools. More most blacks the emancipation and the ending of the civil war was a huge change; socially, economically and politically.
In 1865 Booker T. Washington and his family moved to West Virginia where he worked as a salt packer. Booker was a former slave and an educator. In 1881, he founded the Tuskegee Institute in Alabama. In 1872, Booker T. Washington left home and walked 500 miles to Hampton Normal Agricultural Institute in Virginia. Along the way he took odd jobs to take care of himself. He convinced administrators to let him attend the school and took a job as a janitor to help pay his tuition. The school's founder and head man, General Samuel C. Armstrong, soon discovered the hardworking man and offered him a scholarship. Booker was the first teacher of Tuskegee Institute. Booker T. Washington became the spokesman for the black community and those who believed that education skills. They also provide education for women in cooking and nursing. Many black men received skills in carpentry and education. This was a great way for blacks to receive higher education. Sharecropping was when owners let people use the land in return of