We added the 30ml of warm water with 4.7 grams of borax powder in to the cup labeled ‘Borax Solution’ and also added a few dots of green food coloring. We then stirred it until all the solutions were completely mixed. When this happened the borax and water turned into a watery green solution. then we added 15ml of glue in the cup labeled ‘Ball mixture’ and added the mixture we made in the cup labeled ‘ borax solution into the ‘ball mixture’ we then began stirring the mixture for about 2 minutes and as we continued to stir the solution began to become less and less waters and instead into a somewhat pasty solution. We waited …show more content…
So we added the 30ml of warm water with 4.7 grams of borax powder in to the cup labeled ‘Borax Solution’ and also added a few dots of green food coloring. We then stirred it until all the solutions were completely mixed. Again, this solution came out to be a watery green solution. Then, instead of adding only 15ml of glue we added 20 ml of glue in the cup labeled ‘Ball mixture’ and added the mixture we made in the cup labeled ‘borax solution into the ‘ball mixture’. This time we did wait 15 seconds before stirring the solution. The solution was very difficult to stir but when they all mixed and we could no longer stir and the mixture was mixed it was very sticky. We molded it and waited for it to …show more content…
But this time instead of adding 30 ml of water we added 40 ml of water with 4.7 grams of borax powder in to the cup labeled ‘Borax Solution’ and also added a few dots of green food coloring. The solution looked like it did before but was instead thinner. We still added the extra 5ml of glue to the solution (20ml of glue) glue in the cup labeled ‘Ball mixture’ and added the mixture we made in the cup labeled ‘borax solution into the ‘ball mixture’. We then waited 15 seconds before mixing the solution. The solution was very easy to stir and we stirred for about 5 minutes before we could no longer stir it. The result was a very moldable paste. So we molded it into a ball and it was very intact. It bounced!
Sources of Error
We did not wait the 10-15 second for the ingredients to react together when we added the solution from the ‘Borax Solution’ and ‘Ball mixture’.
Because we added more glue to the solution we needed to add more water to avoid the stickiness which may have effected how much it bounced because of it sticking to things.
We could have added a bit more glue and water to see if it would be able to bounce even higher.
The Ball did not bounce and would break apart when you held it or tried to mold it.
When it dried it bounce a little more (about 2-3 inches off the ground) but remained very sticky.
The ball held together unlike the first trial, and was not as sticky as the second trial. It also bounced,