Connie Marie Espinoza
English 1302
Ms. Pedraza
December 4, 2012
“The American Dream Faces a Nightmare”
Before the Border Fence was built on August 29, 2008, America was facing and still is facing one of the gravest threats ever. The lack of security and law enforcement agents, has caused so much havac and danger to the citizens of America and Mexican residents. We the citizens of the United States of America are in extreme danger with all the activity going on in Mexico, that is vastly spreading into the U.S. The drug cartel, human trafficking and terrorists are on the rise; we are forced to put up a permanent barrier to prevent and protect our country from these horrifying acts. The barriers are strategically placed to migrate the flow of illegal border crossings along Mexico and the United States international borders. Construction supporters cite to ongoing escalation of national security risks, relating to cartel border violence and their possible co-operation with overseas terrorists. Opponents claim the barriers are a taxpayer boondoggle and that the barriers are inappropriately jeopardizing the health and safety of those seeking illegal entry into the U.S. They also claim it destroys animal habitat, because it prevents them from reaching food and water. Some argue that the fence and construction of it damages the environment. Federal Agents and Border Patrol Agents agree that the border fence works great and also say it is one of the “best investments our country could have ever made.” Prior to the fence being built thousands of illegal immigrants were crossing over to America, the crime rate and illegal activity was detrimental. Residents couldn’t even go outside