BIO 220
January 27, 2013
Trent McDowell
Filter This: The Advantages of Bottling Your Own Water Water, life’s most essential element. Is your consumption of this life giving liquid eradicating the Earth as we know it? Bottled water has become a huge trend in the US and the world today. “In 2007, Americans spent $11.7 billion on 8.8 billion gallons of bottled water,” (Palliser, 2010, p1). They are on the shelves of every convenience store, supermarket and vending machine. They are in the hands of some of the world’s most elite, in 2011, “the House of Representatives spent about $750,000 on bottled water,” (Resetarits, 2012, para 5). Is all of this bottling necessary? Is bottled water healthier, better for you, more economical, or better for the environment? If not, why does America continue to drink at such an alarming rate, and is there an alternative? Bottling your own tap water, filtering out the impurities, costs only a fraction of purchasing bottled water, and can save up to 1,000 years of decomposition on each and every plastic bottle that does not get recycled. When choosing your water, there seem to be endless options. There are bottled waters labeled Artesian, Mineral, Spring, Purified, Municipal, and Well. What do each of these mean? Artesian water is “Water that taps an aquifer layers of porous rock, sand and earth, usually deep underground that contain water,” (Klesig, 2004, p2). This water can be very pure due to the layers of sediment that often prevent contaminants from migrating into the water. Despite claims of the bottlers however, there is no indication or guarantee that this water is any purer than ground water. Mineral water is “water from an underground source that contains at least 250 parts per million total dissolved solids. Minerals and trace elements must come from the water source,” (Klesig, 2004, p2). Spring water is water “derived from an underground formation from which water flows naturally to
References: "Health Tips For Travelers." Nursing 34.7 (2004): 30. Academic Search Complete. Web. 26 Jan. 2013. Allen, Linda, and Jeannie L. Darby. "Quality Control Of Bottled And Vended Water In California: A Review And.." Journal Of Environmental Health 56.8 (1994): 17. Academic Search Complete. Web. 26 Jan. 2013. Bullers, A. (2002, July-August). Bottled Water: Better than the Tap?. FDA Consumers Magazine (Silver Spring, MD). Joseph Lane, et al. "How Much Calcium Is In Your Drinking Water? A Survey Of Calcium Concentrations In Bottled And Tap Water And Their Significance For Medical Treatment And Drug Administration." HSS Journal 2.2 (2006): 130. Publisher Provided Full Text Searching File. Web. 26 Jan. 2013. Kennedy, Maureen Shawn, and Joan Solomon Zolat. "Bottled Or Tap?." American Journal Of Nursing 100.7 (2000): 20. Academic Search Complete. Web. 26 Jan. 2013. Klesig, L. (Spring 2004). Bottled Water Industry. University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire (Eau Claire WI). Owen, J. (2006, February 24). Bottled Water Isn’t Healthier than Tap: Report Reveals. National Geographic News (Washington, DC). Palliser, Janna. "Banning The Bottle." Science Scope 34.2 (2010): 8-11. Education Research Complete. Web. 26 Jan. 2013. Resetarits, Mike, "I Drink Tap Water." Chemical Engineering 119.13 (2012): 55. OmniFile Full Text Select (H.W. Wilson). Web. 26 Jan. 2013. Tatko-Peterson, A. (2007, August 24). Water bottle quandary taps into health vs. environment concerns. Contra Costa Times (Walnut Creek, CA).