Bottled water is way safer than tap water because it is tested.
An article in the International Bottled Water Association states bottled water is tested up to thirty times more than tap water. Bottled water is tested for many things including coliforms, heterotrophic plate count, and in some cases, yeast and mold, and Pseudomonas sp. Other testing may include pH, total dissolved solids, conductivity, turbidity, and ozone residual. Another reason bottled water is better than tap is the amount of jobs created. Bottled water companies need to hire people to test the water and make sure it is Florida Department of Agriculture (FDA) approved. Companies also need people to make the bottles deliver the waters to where they are going to be sold. The bottled water industry creates thousands of jobs each year. People are also getting jobs recycling bottles. Companies need people in the recycle factory to help break down what is to be
People argue tap water is better than bottled water. People argue tap water is cheaper. This might be true but, it isn’t always easily available. People will also argue tap water taste better than bottled water. While that might be an opinion in many taste test, but a difference was not noticed. Taste also matters depending on where the tap water comes from. City water tends to a bit better than well water. Well water, which is also tap, tends to have a sulfuric taste to it. People argue it is easily accessible because it is located in just about every house. This too might be true but when driving down the road and your baby is in need of a bottle, most parents are going to reach for a bottle of water to pour him. Tap water cannot be accessed easily while in a car going down the road.
Many Americans have the argument of what is a better water source, tap or bottled. Bottled water is better because it helps create jobs for people, it is tested to make sure it is safe, and it is easily portable for students, other countries and for things as simple as a road trip with a baby in need of a bottle.