
Compare And Contrast Bottled Water Vs Tap Water

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Compare And Contrast Bottled Water Vs Tap Water
Next to oxygen, water is the second most crucial necessity of human life. Up to 60% of the human adult body is water (Perlman). Human blood is made up of ninety-two percent water (Sanders). The relevance of ingesting water is the cause for a debate about which source is the best, bottled water or tap. There are several reasons to choose bottled water over tap water when quenching thirst.
One reason to choose bottled water rather than tap water is because bottled water is odor free. Occasionally, tap water can have unpleasant odors. These odors are caused by sulfur, iron, manganese, and chlorine most of the time. The two types of sulfur found in tap water are sulfate and hydrogen sulfide. Both are caused by natural process happening underground.
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Bottled water is a nearly ideal consumer product: it is healthy, non-addictive, hypoallergenic, caffeine-free, calorie free, and contains no artificial colors, flavors, trans fats, etc. (Fager). Bottled water is found in almost every store, and can be purchased ice cold. It also takes less time to grab a bottle of water than to wait for a cup to fill up from the tap. Water bottles are leak proof and non breakable. Water bottles are also able to be personalized to promote businesses, events, and organizations. Drinking from water bottles makes it easy to measure and keep track of the amount of fluid ingested in a day, since the fluid ounces are printed on the label. Bottled water could not be more …show more content…
Admittedly, drinking from the tap saves money, resources, and reduces our carbon footprint, but what happens when an emergency happens or a crisis hits? Bottled water saves lives. When water sources become contaminated, when a drought happens, when a hurricane comes, the most important resource to have to stay alive is bottled water. FEMA recommends that people store at least one gallon per person, per day, in case of an emergency (Food and Water In An Emergency). When the next crisis hits, or the next contaminated water supply cover up happens, tap water enthusiasts will be thankful for bottled

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