In Daniel Flynn’s essay “Football Does a Body Good,” he states his point of view on football and the way we should see it (Flynn). Football is not just an “ego bruiser” it is a dangerous sport that has cause many head injuries and other problems throughout the years. This sport has caused many players to have later on diseases such as CTE, Alzheimer's, Dementia,and many other things due to head trauma. Multiple head injuries has both severe short and long-term effects that have become a major problem in the NFL. Football has become careless, dangerous, and unsafe for those who play the sport.…
We all know the game of football is one of Americas most beloved and exciting sports, but what are the long term risk of playing this brutal game.…
Let’s face it. Football will always be dangerous. But it doesn’t have to be a sport in which helmets are tackling devices and 250 lb men are used for destroying quarterbacks and receivers with them suffering from possibly life threatening…
You might think football is really fun, but there can be consequences that may never go away. It might surprise you how bad these injuries can affect you but it will help you have more knowledge about them. Younger kids shouldn’t play football because they can get concussions which can cause brain damage and memory loss.…
I agree that football is a dangerous sport. In football you can get tackled. You can also get a bad concussion. You can also have lingsp term effect.…
Yes, I think football is dangerous. I love watching football games but It is very harmful. Football can ruin many lives. Football has lead to suicides,concussions, Chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE), which is a degenerative brain disease that can result in mood changes and dementia. As it says in the story, “in defense of football”.…
Do you think football is dangerous?I think football is dangerous.You can get concussions.You can get long turm effects from football.Other injeries can occur.…
Roger Goodell, the NFL commissioner, has been under a lot of scrutiny for the past couple years for his attempts to change the rules to decrease and pretty much get rid of violent hits to the head and neck to protect the players. These rules are under scrutiny because there are many people that are saying these rules are making the game of football a “soft game” and ruining it in a sense. Football has been a game that since its beginnings has always praised and celebrated toughness and violent hits. Now these rules are making it frowned upon. These rule changes drastically started popping up before the 2010 season. There are a couple big events that have pulled concussions to the forefront of concern in football. One of the biggest ones is the Concussion lawsuit that was brought against the NFL by4,500 members of former players families and even former players themselves. The lawsuit was just settled last Thursday that will cost the NFL $765 million. Much of that money is going to players and families to compensate for all the medical treatments. Also some of it will be going to baseline testing for retired players, and $10 million will fund research and education for concussions. Another big event that has been occurring over roughly the past 10 years has been many ex NFL players such as Dave Duerson, a former Chicago Bear, who shot himself in the chest after struggling from “chronic headaches, blurred vision and memory loss.” Before he died, he left messages to his family requesting that his brain be donated to a lab where it would be studied. He was only 50 years old. There are many like this including Andre Waters, 44, and Shane Dronett, 38, who both also committed suicide in the past six years. All 3 men were diagnosed with chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE), which you get in part from multiple hits to the head. The NFL players are not the only ones that are being affected by CTE. Doctors found the CTE in 21 year old…
Fairclough, D. (2010). Design and Analysis of Quality of Life Studies in Clinical Trials. New York, NY: CRC Press.…
Football is a great game to play, it is the ultimate in team sports, however there are some dangers to the sport that I have loved for over 30 years. I have friends some who have played right here at Temple U and have made it to the NFL and others had great collage careers. That’s why I found the article Simple Blood Tests for Rapid Concussion Diagnosis in the Scientific American an interesting read. Professional Football Players have been thrust into the spotlight because of concussions and the effects they have. Most notably in May of 2012 Junior Seau of the San Diego Chargers committing suicide due to the effects of head trauma or concussions.…
Football is a physically demanding sport that requires not only strength, but great coaching tactics as well. When a person signs up for football, no matter what age they know the risks of being injured. But even knowing the risks will not prevent them from occurring, the injury that is frequently worried about is a concussion. A concussion is when temporary unconsciousness caused by a blow to the head. Football players take repeated blows to the head so a concussion is very common in this sport. The question is though is it too dangerous for HIGH SCHOOL students.…
Football is a violent sport, when players sign contracts with millions of dollars attached to them; they know how violent the game has always been. Not to mention, no one has to play. If a player does not want to take a hard hit, they do not have to. I agree with Rick Cleveland when he says, “They are ruining the game we love. Football is by nature a violent sport. Nobody says you have to play. Let them play football” (Cleveland).…
During this century there has been a large danger to everyone. Concussions are that danger. The definition of a concussion is a brain injury caused by a blow to the head or violent shaking of head or body. During a concussion the brain is moving back and forth. This destroys brain cells and causes a chemical effect in the brain. NFL retired players are showing a big impact that affects their lives. A new disease that is caused by a blow to the head is called CTE every football player has a risk . Just because a person doesn't show the signs and symptoms of a concussion doesn't mean that they don't have an injury. If NFL football decreases brain activity then every player has the risk to not just a concussion but brain…
On the contrary, some arguments are said that a great deal of football players that originate from poverty and do not have a decision, however, to make it far playing football. That is completely wrong. There is constantly another decision. These individuals are selecting huge money, brief contracts that result in consequences, contrasted to longstanding safety and well-being (Adam). There was almost no thought about the long-lasting impacts of concussions, up until the last 10 or 15 years. Now that there have been countless studies, still, thirty-eight percent of victims of concussions come back the following year or in the same season (Nader/Adam). A further study by The American College of Sports Medicine estimates that eighty-five percent of concussions go undiagnosed as well (Bailey). The risk of a concussion, take into account, multiple concussions, is way too high to be gambling with.…
American football is a dangerous sport that has many risks to it. Football players know these risks but still play the sport. There is many risks to playing football especially in the NFL which means National Football League. Many of the injuries football players have are to the head.…