Influence of Branding on Consumer Buying Behaviour
[Name of the writer]
[Name of the institution}
Table of Contents
Chapter I: Introduction 4
Introduction 4
Research Objectives 6
Purpose Of The Study 7
Consumer Support for Imporved Working Conditions 8
Hypothesis 10
Anti-dandruff Labeling Campaigns and Consumer Behavior 11
A Case Study 21
Introduction 22
Method 24
Results 25
Discussion 31
Sample and Procedure 34
Questionnaire 35
Respondent Profile 39
Identification of Hair wash Brand Users 40
Relative Utility of Product Characteristics 41
Prediction of Future Hair wash Shampoo Purchases 42
The Hedonic Framework 44
Psychographic and Demographic Characteristics of Brand Users versus Nonusers 49
Influence of Branding on Consumer Buying Behaviour
Chapter I: Introduction
The haircare industry is in a state of flux, characterized by change being the rule rather than the exception. A relatively stable environment has been replaced by constant threats of branding, mergers, reorganizations, and liquidations. The only thing certain is that the industry will never be the same.
During the last several years, the British economy developed a trickle-down effect which altered the perceptions of the consumer, and consequently the shampoo retailer and wholesaler, about using shampoo in terms of priorities, needs, and desires. The unsettled times of the 90s changed the buying habits of the British consumer, who has become more aware of style and pricing considerations.
The demand for using shampoo has been affected by considerations, including the following:
Downsizing and the prospects of downsizing have diminished the disposable income consumers are willing to allocate to shampoo purchases.
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