will met to the bone and brain lung and liver
Risk factors: menarche b4 12 menopause after 55 obesity high fat diet family hist 1st degree relative birth of 1st child after 30 birth control pills and hrt ( Dr should be notified cause can make breast dense and harder to image)
lumps in breast increased vascularity breast pain or soreness nipple retraction or ulceration
Screening: breast self exam 7-10 days after menses -best done in the shower use the tips o the fingers to palate the breast in a circular motion starting on the outer parameter and working inward. Special attention should be paid to breasts lymphatic tissues near the arm pit as this is the site where tumors usually begin. Mammogram- annual after 40yo -best done n the 1st 2 weeks of the menstrual cycle -tell pt to avoid use of deodorant and body powder so that the screening will not give a false positive.
MRI- ultrasound-
Cervical Cancer
Risk Factor: sex at a young age many partners child at young age HIV HPV smoking many cervical infections
usually asymptomatic unless it has become invasive. Spotting watery blood tinged dicharge leg pain/swelling weight loss pelvic pain flank pain
Gardasil- vaccine for HPV
Give over 3 doses in a 6mo period caution for those with yeast or latex allergy given as early as 9yo up to 26yo
Screening: A pap 3 years after sexual activity begins or after 21 biopsy-
Treatment: Radiation- used to shrink tumors s/e: fatigues altered taste anorexia tissue scarring drying rashes itching hyperpigmentation Avoid: soap, alcohol skin preps, hot baths sun exposure and use spf 15 or higher for 12 months after treatment
Chemo-used to destroy the tumor by eliminating the cell wall
Before admin of chemo: Explain procedure to the pt Admin an EKG chemo can cause