Grand Canyon University: HCA 530
July 10, 2013
This assignment requires justification to the vice president for approval to purchase a major piece of equipment for use in the radiology department of the hospital. My main objective is to provide valuable information to justify the cost as well as provide critical data that substantiates the ROI. Additionally, the report will have detailed information outlining the benefits that will assist in the decision making process and address all concerns and questions relating to the purchase. Lastly, the report will include how beneficial and profitable the technology will be for the hospital.
The radiology department is in need of a MRI machine to better provide safer and reliable results for detecting breast cancer. I have done extensive research on the several different types of technological devices and …show more content…
Pink Comfort can greatly reduce errors due to patient movement, resulting in better image quality. “The open-bore design offers an exclusive 70 cm inner diameter, providing exceptional comfort. It enables patients to feel more at ease, particularly claustrophobic or obese patients. Pink Workflow provides a dedicated multimodality Workplace that offers standard MRI evaluation, it enhances breast reading and reporting, and it is coupled with syngo BreVis, a computer-aided tool for real-time breast analysis. It is easy-to-use, fast, and reliable. Pink Applications allows for faster imaging, excellent clinical detail, shorter exams – all part of the dedicated solution for breast care. With its optimized applications, MAGNETOM Espree-Pink enables you to see more, by improving accuracy and showing more details. These applications enable truly comprehensive breast care, helping to improve diagnostic confidence as well as patient care.”