17 year old Rosemary is beautiful and smart, but she feels like an outsider. At school, in her family, she just doesn't seem to fit. Slim,. blond Stacy is the most popular girl in school, and Rosemary envies her. Then she realizes what she needs to do - lose weight. At 5'6 and 108 lbs, Rosemary is hardly fat, but she embarks on a diet anyway. …show more content…
Ann Snyder portrays a realistic descent into anorexia nervous - the illness creeps up on Rosemary. She goes through phases of binging and purging as her weight gradually drops down.
I enjoyed this story immensely, (despite the fairly predictable plot) up until the final few chapters when - inevitably - Rosemary ends up in hospital. She makes the decision to recover, and from that point on, the story feels rushed, and the author "glosses over" the thoughts and feelings that Rosemary has as she battles the illness.
Not everyone will be able to relate to the character of Rosemary. The story remains very focused on her, and her thoughts and feelings, and her fears - of failure, of not being good enough, and of sex. There is no real resolution of this, and the book ends much like the film of "The Best Little Girl In The World" - the anorexic character making the decision to eat, and taking those first few difficult bites.
Overall, I liked this book. While it doesn't really give an insight into anorexia nervous (or other eating disorders), it is enjoyable to read. I picked up this book at school Unknowing what it was really about or if It’d even really interest me . I Unexpectedly liked it very much I’m only 17 yrs old so perfect subject to read about