Chapter I
The Family is an essential factor for a human’s whole-being, everything about a man, his background, attitude, all of his achievements, his honor and dignity, relies on the structure of the family a man lives in with. It composed of a mother, father, and offspring who were bonded by love. Everything lies on the structure of the family. But now a day, a family could be two things, complete or broken. A broken family is believed to be a cause of a child’s mislead in life, some people give it as the main reason of the rebellious and unclear acts of children. School, another factor which meld us on becoming successful, but how will it make us successful if they can’t focus, and they can’t do schooling like others cause peoples belonging to a broken family mind the problems encounter in their homes. (Eschica 2010)
Teenagers with this situation of broken home are more likely five times to suffer than their parents. They are prone to variety of academic, behavioral, and emotional problems due to parental separation and impaired parenting. They are also worse off than those with continuously married parents of academic success, conduct, psychological well-being, and peer relations system. Thus, adolescents are the innocent victims of their parents’ inability to maintain harmonious and stable homes. (Amato 2007)
On the other hand, single-parent families put their child at risk. Most adolescents living with this kind of structural family are economically disadvantaged. Parents can’t afford to buy consumer goods in order to give their child status among their peers. It results to juvenile delinquency of teenagers. Aside from this, quality of parenting is one predictor of behavioral problems among adolescents. They find it difficult to function as parents. (Keith 2007)
Hence, adolescents belonging to a broken family are exposed to more