Educational outcomes from the sole parent family review a critical problem of the wellbeing of the children when compared to that of the children in double-parents family. On average, compared with peers from double-parents families, adolescents living with a single mother or with mothers who were remarried or cohabiting experience more behavioral problems and lower levels of academic performance. According to “Parental Divorce and the Well- Being of Children: A Meta-Analysis” written by Paul R. Amato and Bruce Keith, compared to children living in double-parents families, children living in single-mother families, single-mother families with cohabiting partners, and married families with stepfathers were more likely to drop from school; more likely to do delinquent activities ,more…
Many studies have been performed to establish the results of raising children in single parent families compared to equally responsibility parenting families on childhood development. For example, research was conducted on children's point of views on equal parenting from split and divorced families the resulted studies known seventy percent of children want equal amounts of emotional and physical attention from both parents ( Kruk 39). Additional studies indicated children who barely spent time with their fathers displayed more behavior and emotional problems resulting also with struggles through school (Kruk 40). Respecting and honoring a child's point of view gives them a sense of purpose therefore validates their importance which essentially boost their…
Single parenting creates many challenges and difficulties that a working adult must endure when attending upper level educational institutions. Everyone is different and adjust to life stressors distinctively. Traditional students are not alone on university and community college campuses anymore. With the increase of non-traditional campuses, an increase of hindrances of receiving college education increases as well. Childcare, transportation, and job stress are all examples of obstructions single parents must face while concentrating on education.…
Children learn how to love and treat others from their parents. Fathers and mothers (males and females) are different by nature and bring different aspects into the home. A mother has not lived the life of a male so they are not aware of what it is like to be a man and vice versa. Adolescents who come from a two parent family are less likely to use drugs and alcohol when compared to a single parent family. Lee, Akers, & Borg (2004) suggest that when comparing two parents to single parent families, two parents can provide better supervision and control within the family. To support this idea, Lee, Akers, & Borg (2004) noted that other findings indicate that neighborhoods with a higher rate of single parent households have higher crime…
Single parenting and dual parenting has always been a hot discussion on which family a child would benefit more from. These two different households both have challenges and obstacles that each parent or parents deal with on a daily basis. I have to deal with both of these parenting styles. With my daughter, her father is greatly involved in her life. We share custody of her so we both parenting her and we communicate with each other on issues that come up with her. I am also a single parent with my son. His father is not involved in his life at all so I am the sole parent for him. I know first-hand how each of these parents feel.…
Today in the United States, being raised by a single parent is not uncommon. About three in ten children live in a single parent home. The most common type of single parent home is one with only a mother. However, single father homes are the fastest growing type of family situation. The amount of single fathers has grown by 60% in the…
Determining if it benefits the child to grow up with a single parent or having both parents. It provides information on how it affects kids who grow with single parents and how some kids becomes emotionally stable and very successful in life. The statistics shown is based on what to expect from a child being raised by single parents compared to a child that has both. Commonly today’s society; single parenting is becoming a dominant figure and the affects that are becoming of it.…
Cited: Koon, Samantha. Children of Single Parents More At Risk. The Daily Progress. Daily Progress,…
Single parents find it hard to support their child/children and still spend time with them. Most samples have children that are juvenile delinquents. These children and their parents should partake in counseling sessions and rehabilitation if needs be. These counseling sessions would be a step towards righting a social problem. Furthermore, they may lessen the financial obligations as these single parents may have been obliged to make compensations because of their child.…
When there is no equal responsibility in raising a child, the child would learn to love one more than the other. If a child is being raised by only one parent because the other is busy at work or etc, the child is spending more quality time with that parent only. Both parents don’t share the same amount of time with the child thus; the child’s love is not equal for both. When the responsibility of a child is dependent upon one parent because the other parent does not have enough time, often the child becomes a misfit. Both parents must take equal part in the responsibility for a healthy child. Statistics show, being raised by two parents equally allow the child to have a higher chance of growing up normal (Rosenburg).…
1.) Stability. A child raised by the same two parents during their maturing years is more likely to have emotional bonding and relationship stability. Children raised by a single parent will likely have a sense of loss for the missing parent and lack the advantage of duel insights, emotional support and examples that come from having both a mother and a father.…
Growing up in a single parent household can bring certain problems for an adolescent, such as understanding roles in the household. Not having the right gender around to learn from, and the amount of social qualities towards the same or opposite sex. In today’s world, socialization has been the key to networking, self actualization, and career decision making. There are many of stories dealing with adversity, based on the living conditions someone is exposed to when growing up. One of the most important factors is the upbringing a person goes through from childhood to adulthood, with different influences. To influence someone, is to have an impact in someone’s life so much that it will take what has been absorbed, apply it towards life. Parent’s behavior and attitude towards their kids has been a strong influence for a child’s upbringing. Parents set the standards and role that so children may or may not want to portray. The way to a raise a child affects how the child becomes an adult, taking on mature responsibilities. Some of the influences that involve the upbringing process are inside and outside the household; single or both parents being in the household. Outside influences would be the media, social interaction with peers as well as the environment that someone is exposed to. These factors will show that the single/dual parenting upbringing affects someone in decision making such as marriages, careers, and etc. The experiences someone has growing with a single parent may have a diverse effect than someone with both parents. Majority of children have grew up in the household with at least one parent or guardian, are able to socially interact with others based on the interaction they receive at home. With that interaction along with other factors, single parent upbringing can affect the things decisions a child make when matured.…
“No one can be a single parent, and likewise, no one can alone bring a child into this…
Although we deeply belief of respecting the individuality and uniqueness of every child, we do have to face the fact that we are all first and foremost human beings. And with that comes certain things we all have in common. And although the commonalities are very general characteristics I believe they are at the core of what is "right" and what is "wrong" when the goal is to successfully guide children to live happy and successful lives. Nowadays, raising children has been the concerns of all mankind because this period can determine the rest of their lives later. In fact, it is very essential for everyone to have both mother and father. Therefore, I support the idea that children should be raised in a home with two parents.…
Although having both parents in the home is a benefit, it does not provide a strong foundation when it comes to raising children. Cohabitation parents lack a strong and stable…