Bronfenbrenner focuses on the ecological model society as a theoretical framework for further exploration of Gender and Sexuality, indicating the relationship between the individual level, family, and community. His ideas of the ecological systems theory consist the encountering different environments throughout our lifespan that may influence our behavior in varying degrees. We often think of radical schools of behavior and classical psychoanalytic perspective no fit together, but when considering the relationship bond between parent and child, we find much in common between the two schools this sect. Both schools agree that infants forming emotional attachment to caregivers after caregivers meet the biological needs of the child. Parents who provide the basic necessities such as food for children, then parents become objects that children have positive emotions by young people for dining. Actually, this is a model of classical conditioning (Classical conditioning): Food is not a factor strengthening the conditions accompanied the presence of caregivers. After some time to appear so, caregivers become an object brings positive emotions and become a consolidating factor
Bronfenbrenner focuses on the ecological model society as a theoretical framework for further exploration of Gender and Sexuality, indicating the relationship between the individual level, family, and community. His ideas of the ecological systems theory consist the encountering different environments throughout our lifespan that may influence our behavior in varying degrees. We often think of radical schools of behavior and classical psychoanalytic perspective no fit together, but when considering the relationship bond between parent and child, we find much in common between the two schools this sect. Both schools agree that infants forming emotional attachment to caregivers after caregivers meet the biological needs of the child. Parents who provide the basic necessities such as food for children, then parents become objects that children have positive emotions by young people for dining. Actually, this is a model of classical conditioning (Classical conditioning): Food is not a factor strengthening the conditions accompanied the presence of caregivers. After some time to appear so, caregivers become an object brings positive emotions and become a consolidating factor