Brother was ashamed of having a crippled brother so he helped doodle everyday because he wanted more pride. In the book Scarlet Ibis Brother set out to teach Doodle how to walk, run, swim, and paddle a boat. “When doodle was five years old, I was embarrassed at having a brother of that age that couldn't walk, so I set out to teach him” (Hurst 2). When having a brother with disabilities it's a good thing to help them out. But in this story Brother was only trying to help doodle to better himself. If Brother did not have as much pride and was not as embarrassed about Doodle he would not have pushed Doodle like he did. But in the end brother pushed Doodle to hard and it does not end well. Brother helps Doodle because he is ashamed as wants more pride. …show more content…
In this story Brother teaches Doodle to do many things but then a storm came in and Brother and Doodle were running home but Doodle got left for the dead. “I heard Doodle, who had fallen behind, cry out, “Brother, Brother don’t leave me! Don’t leave me!” (Hurst 6) Throughout the story Doodle had some disabilities and Brother was ashamed of that so he started to teach Doodle lots of things. Brother started to be much harder on Doodle as school was starting up. This results in Doodle being in a not so healthy condition. Brothers mission for pride ended up way worse then brother thought it