After that I did extensive research to find out what type of spider it was because after a little bit of research I found out that if you want to kill a spider you need to know the type so that you can know how to kill them. All spiders die differently which I was very surprised about. The creature was scary at first to touch because I didn’t know if they harmful or not. I took pictures and his is the creature. (upper left) …show more content…
You can make a spider repellent with these ingredients (also listed in the table). Use these ingredients: regular table salt, water, and spray bottle. Dissolve the salt in the water and spray all of the areas that you need to. That is way number one.
Now for way number two. Use: lavender, citronella, cinnamon, citrus, peppermint, or tea tree oil. All of these substances should only use a little bit of. If you have a lot of them you can use as much as needed. That is the two ways you can get rid of these creatures.
In conclusion that is how to get rid of common house spiders. They can be be pesky bout there is know an easy way to get rid of them. It is natural and they are very good. They are very easy to get rid of. So one might think that if you get spiders you know there an easy way to get rid of