BSBOHS501B AT3 Projects
Reduce Workplace Injuries and Illnesses
The objective of this OHS plan is to increase the Risk Mindfulness of employees across site. These workshops will educate and refresh employees about the identification of associated risks and how to deal with them.
The strategy is to undertake consultation with external specialists to create the risk mindfulness workshops.
These will be delivered to all employees as a follow on from the Zero Harm days in November last year.
The personnel attending these workshops will be grouped with other personnel from different departments to cover across the board stakeholders. The information will be collected and measured for feedback sessions to management in the coming months.
Action Plan:
Risk Mindfulness sessions to be created through consultation with the HSEC department and the external consultants. These sessions once created will then be added to the training calendar for inclusion to the coming weeks.
Information describing the training sessions will be disseminated through the usual site process. Training sessions will be undertaken on both day and night shifts to capture all employees from all departments.
Once the final session has been run the collected information will be assessed and an information package for all stakeholders will be created and sent to departments for review.
The targets associated with these sessions will be monitored from within FPE which will track the numbers of past hazards and reports against future reports using the same data sets for accuracy.
The accurate measurement of the site TRIFR will be monitored and evaluated against the sessions as well. The reduction of the TRIFR from 13.5 to below 10 is the goal of these workshops with further reductions to follow.
Performance Evaluation Indicator:
These targets will be set against the current figures and monitored accordingly. This information will accurately evaluate the Risk Mindfulness sessions against what was expected from these sessions (the hazard identifications and reports to increase) which will indicate the success of these types of workshops for the business.