Executive Summary
OH&S Audit was conducted in AIM Chemical Company from 10/07 until 19/07/2012 according Order of Branch Director of 06/07/2012 number 03-OHS by: OHS Manager - Luc Besson, OHS Manager Assistant - Mila Yovovich and Apprentice - incognito
Goal: Revelation of compliance with safety regulations and creation of arrangements for improving.
Within of scope of current audit were inspected followed subdivisions:
• Storages of raw materials (including Chemical tank storages)
• Communications and electricity
• Main factoring
• Workshops of Support service
• Transport shop
• Warehouses
The audit was carried out both of forms: of the control of documents and in the form of field observations and measurement .
The audit process was separated for 7 parts:
1.Health and safety Systems
2. Housekeeping
3. Electrical
4. Mechanism and Equipment
5. Machinery and Workbenches
6. Hazardous Substances
7. Welding
1. In the first part were inspected mostly the records of OH&S Policy following, company regulations, different procedures and plans of actions. The omissions have not been discovered. This part of audit can be obtained as acceptable.
2. In the Housekeeping part were checked points as:
|Work areas free from rubbish & obstructions |
|Surfaces safe and suitable |
|Free from slip/trip hazards |
|Floor openings covered |
Links: http://www.environment.nsw.gov.au/pesticides/EHCact.htm http://www.legislation.nsw.gov.au/fullhtml/inforce/subordleg+648+2001+FIRST+0+N