I am a Team Leader at Europe’s largest Cream Cake producer and I run one of the production bays on a 4 days on 4 days off Evenings Shift, the Shift Runs from 17:15 – 00:00 although my hours are 16:00 – 01:00 I arrive earlier to prepare paperwork for the upcoming shift as well as get the production plan for that evening and discuss the previous evenings production with the Production Manager and resolve any issues they may have the with the shift, I also speak with the day Floor Managers to ensure any short production or other issues are addressed otherwise it can put the day shift behind with delivery times and cause a fine to the company, I will then have a briefing with the Evening Shift managers and alert them to any new information I have received from the day Managers we then arrange then alter the plan to for evening should it be required, when my Line Supervisors arrive I brief them all on the evenings production and priorities, I then ensure that as staff arrive they are sent to the correct lines and each line begins production promptly, I then oversee the production as the evening progresses dealing with any issues that may arise with production or personnel, I also order all resources required from production to be on-going and communicate with all relevant departments to ensure that production targets are met and are on schedule, at the end of the evening I prepare a written report of the evenings activities for the day shift Production Manager and will discuss with in the meeting the following evening.
Two areas I would like to improve what I do
Area One: - Public Speaking
Everyday I brief my Supervisors on the Evenings Production and any issues that they have had with machinery during the day, but sometime I have to address entire production lines with company information which I have to do persoanlly and cannot delegate, When speaking to large groups of people I get a fear of dread and my heart feels heavy and I