Appendix C
The Building Blocks of Life Worksheet
Part 1: Mitosis and Meiosis Short-Answer Response
Use Ch. 5 of BioInquiry and the “Comparing Mitosis and Meiosis” video as resources for Part 1 of this assignment. Write 75- to 100-word answers to the following questions.
Why are the process of mitosis and meiosis both important to a living organism?
Mitosis and meiosis are important, because mitosis is a type of sexual reproduction which enables a cell to reproduce two new genetically identical daughter cells from a single parent cell (Pruitt and Underwood, 2006). During this process mitosis has the function of permitting cells to replace ones that are worn out, damaged, or need to be replicated for single cells organism. Where mitosis is asexual cellular reproduction, meiosis not only multiplying the numbers of cells by cell division, but it reduces the number of chromosomes in each daughter cell to one-half of the number before meiosis (Pruitt and Underwood, 2006). Meiosis also permits chromosomes of more complex organisms to be passed down from parent cells to daughter cells for genetic diversity.
When would an organism need to undergo the process of mitosis? Meiosis?
Mitosis is needed to repair damaged cells or to start a new cycle through cellular division. The cells divide and will create new cells when a cell needs to be replaced on a regular basis within the living organism. If the living organism is aging mitosis can repair the older cells. There are hormones in the organism’s body that sends signals to the cells to prepare for division when it is needed. Interphase which is the growth, preparation, and cell division Pruitt and Underwood, 2006). Meiosis is needed to produce cells designed for sexual production. Without mitosis and meiosis simple organism could not reproduce and complex organism could not repair damaged cells, or contribute to DNA to offspring.
What would happen if meiosis did not