Name: Derek J. Arcuri | Student ID: 500 382 250 | Date: Monday, February 4, 2013 | Section: MKT 600 -011 [Monday] | Case Title: British Columbia Box Limited
1. What is the central issue in this case?
Jennifer Anastasoff of BBI [who] is often times not able to close the deal [what] with prospective firms [when] during their meetings because [why] the benefits were not as desirable as alternative CSR, BBI had not segmented the market to target a specific firm, ineffective selling strategy (communicated the admirable benefit as opposed to the firm’s benefits) and targeting MBA’s is an ineffective model due to firm’s concerns of lost talent for one year.
Benefits were not as desirable as alternative CSR: Profit-seeking enterprises invest in CRS for a return in brand equity that is most rewarding when in their community (domestic market) or industry. Though BBI’s unique proposition is admirable, firm’s prefer a to help domestically where they may receive more recognition.
BBI had not segmented the market to target the right genre of firm: Many firms prefer to drive changes that are linked to their strategic mission. BBI had not targeted a specific kind of firm and adapt their model to appeal to that psychographic profile and organizational culture.
BBI had an ineffective selling strategy because the response times from prospects were very long and sometimes leads nowhere. They overly emphasized the social benefits, which are frankly admirable but it is not the dominant motive for the board members that are heavily focused of increasing their firm’s shareholder’s value. BBI should not bring up their service as an alternative to layoffs due to its negative connotation.
BBI targeting MBA raise immediate concerns of the lost talent to the firm’s organization. Though the MBA will return with revitalized skill-sets that would merit the organization, the thought of no contact for a year is not attractive especially for