Weight Watchers is a service oriented business, which means, “it is a company whose primary function is to perform labor tasks for customers; as opposed to a product – oriented business” (Trautmann, 1994-2003). This means Weight Watchers is in existence for the good of their customers, who are people who want to lose weight and change their lifestyle. Within Weight Watchers, there are many ways they achieve a high-level of customer satisfaction which can be shown in several ways. Using the aspects of service operations management, I will show you how and why Weight Watchers runs a successful and well functioning service to the public. Some specific areas we will look into will be the service operations concept, the five competitive objects, the quality, supply chain management, capacity management, and corporate social responsibility.
The first topic that will be covered is the “service operation concept,” which is can be broken down in to these four sections: experience, outcome, operations, and value. Customers of service – oriented businesses believe and value the business’s service concept; this is what they are “buying.” The service concept should be a clear and elaborate shared understanding of the business’s operational strategies and should be different
Bibliography: Goetsch, D. & Davis S. (2010) Quality Management for Organization Excellence (6th ed.), Upper Saddle River NJ: Pearson Education Nordqvist, Christian. (2009) “What is Weight Watchers? What are the Benefit” [online] available at: http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/149454.php Slack, N., Chambers, N. & Johnston, R. (2010) Operations Management (6th ed,), Harlow: FT Prentice Hall Trautmann, O. Carl. (1994 – 2003) “Dictionary of Small Business” [online] available at: http://www.small-business-dictionary.org/default.asp?term=SERVICE- ORIENTED+BUSINESS WWI 2013, “Weight Watchers” [online] available at: http://www.weightwatchers.co.uk