The main idea in Lee Tunstall's article is how bullying impacts our society. Tunstall given information on bullying in school, cyberbullying and in the workplace. Lee Tunstall explains how important bullying is as a crime and how people are constantly affected by bullying.
2. Overall, is Lee Tunstall's article biased? If you think it is, describe how you know they are biased. If you think it isn't, describe how Tunstall avoids bias. (3 marks)
I believe Lee Tunstall's article is not bias and she aviods being bias by stating facts. Lee Tunstall uses many references to create her article, but states common points throughout the article. Such as, the high-profile case of Dawn-Marie Welsey. Tunstall uses this reference to back up her thesis on how bullying is impacting our society. If she used a bias manner, she would have been prejudice in her writing and unfair with her statements. She doesn't state any bias points like isolating a thing, person or group during her aticle.
3. Idenify three assumptions in the article. In other words, what are three things a reader must assume in order to agree with and appreciate what Tunstall has to say? (3 marks)
One assumption that the reader must make is that there are differnt kinds of bullying. The reader cannot assume that bullying is just physical abuse to agree with Lee Tunstall's article. The second assumption readers must be aware of is that bullying happen everywhere and at all ages. Many people think that bully just happens in school but it can happen in the workplace, or even in a old nursing home. Third of all, the reader must assume that bullying is a serious issue and it should be taken more seriously. Some people believe that bullying is just apart of life and the person getting bullied will get over it. In reality, bullying can cause long-term mental illness or even death.
4. In your own words, describe each of the following as they relate to