For instance, this young man requested help but many teenagers will not, since “It requires acknowledging oneself as either powerless or abusive.” (Boyd and Marwick 362). Boyd and Marwick spent time questioning and watching different teenagers for their study, and throughout the years, the teenagers would say “there’s no bullying at this school” and would often use the …show more content…
Furthermore, Boyd and Marwick believe that adults should not only provide the resources but realize “recovery is a long and difficult process.” (363). A great deal of thought, preparation, and understanding needs to take place to help stop the bullying situation. “The key is to help young people feel independently strong, confident and capable without first requiring them to see themselves as either an oppressed person or an oppressor.” (Boyd and Marwick 363). The language teenagers use to describe the events of their life will not be the same language as the concerned adults. Cited Works
Boyd, Danah, and Alice Marwick, “Bullying as True Drama.” The Prentice Hall Guide for College Writers, Stephen Reid, 10th ed., Pearson, 2014, pp.