- Company A = Fast Food Restaurant
- Company B = Department Store
- Company C = Accounting Office (Current working environment)
1. Company A’s employees perform the tasks they are given by their manager, with little knowledge and sometimes desire to complete extra work for increase their position within the company. These employees are mainly younger with little or no work experience, and plan to move on to better paying jobs as they get older. This leads to a high turn around in employees with a need to train people on a normal basis. Company B’s employees take a little more initiative in completing their tasks. While they have training, they also learn more about their jobs from other people who have been working in the department store for a longer time. Managers give assignments to the employees by department, and they are each required to complete their given assignments. While this is done by department, the employees also work together with other departments throughout the store to complete the jobs they are tasked with a promote the stores ability to service customers better. Company C’s employees are more career oriented than the previous two companies. These employees have been working with the company for several years and have come up with better ways to complete their given tasks in order to streamline projects and help the company make better profits. Managers give assignments the same as the other two companies, but the employees go about completing their work how they feel they best can. This gives the employees a sense of freedom in the workplace, and promotes problem solving skills. Employees in this company also work together to solve issues that may arise with a specific client, and management takes an active role in giving the employees the correct type of work for their specific areas of expertise.
2. Each of the above companies organizes their employees’ different ways. Company A gives an employee a specific