Assignment Brief - BTEC HND in Business
Organizations and Behavior
Assignment No.:
Application of motivational and leadership theories and understanding of group work and performance
Dr. Benjamin Fung
Issue Date:
24 November 2011
Due Date:
22 December 2011
To examine the leadership and motivational theories that apply to the organizations and also understand the group behavior and effective team work and performance
Learning Outcomes
Assessment criteria for pass
To achieve each outcome a learner must demonstrate the ability to:
3. Examine the relationship between motivational theories
3a. discuss different leadership styles and the effectiveness of these leadership approaches
3b. explain the different motivational theories and their application within the workplace
3c. assess the relationship between motivational theory and the practice of management
4. Demonstrate an understanding of working with others, teamwork, groups, and group dynamics
4a. describe the nature of groups and group behavior within organizations
4b. investigate the factors that lead to effective teamwork and the influences that threaten success
4c. evaluate the impact of technology on team functioning within a given organization
Grade descriptors
A pass grade is achieved by meeting all the requirements defined in the pass assessment criteria for each unit
Merit descriptors
Distinction descriptors
In order to achieve a merit the learner must:
In order to achieve a distinction the learner must:
M1. Identify and apply strategies to find appropriate solutions
D1. Use critical reflection to evaluate own work and justify valid conclusions
M2. Select/design and apply appropriate methods/techniques
D2. Take responsibility for managing and organizing activities
M3. Present and communicate appropriate findings
D3. Demonstrate