SWOT analysis as a part of business analysis plays significant role to get knowledge about a particular organization. By conducting SWOT analysis, an organization may improve its effectiveness through strengthening its current status, grabbing opportunities and reducing weaknesses and protecting business from threats (Hitt, Ireland & Hoskisson, 2008). In addition to this, SWOT analysis is quite appropriate to make decision to invest in a particular company by an investor.
Being a mutual fund manager, this paper will discuss about SWOT analysis of Walt Disney for getting clarity about investmentdecision. In context of SWOT analysis, key strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of Walt Disney would be presented to get clarity about the company 's current position. It would be quite effective to mutual fund manager to make investment decision for Walt Disney.
SWOT Analysis
Walt Disney is one of the diversified well-knownbrands of Entertainment Company. Itdeals in different segments of entertainment industry in terms ofanimated films, theme parks, resorts and studios etc. (The Walt Disney Company, 2012).In context of Walt- Disney, several strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats are associated with the company that are presented as below:
Strengths: Walt Disney is a well-known brand of entertainment industry that has unique positioning around the world. It is the key strength of the company as global customers know the company for innovation and creativity (Ungson& Wong, 2008). At the same time, the company has portfolio of diversified products and services as it deals in studios, animated films, theme parks and resorts, media networks and consumer products etc. (Grewal& Levy, 2008).With the help of diversified products and services, the company is able to generate broad and diversified revenue base by dealing in differentportfolio of products and services (Krasniewicz, 2010). The diversified products and services also
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