1. Project name- Please come out with a name for your project.
2. Project team- at this point you should have your project team in place. Be sure to identify your team by its name and list all team members.
3. Project description -provide a brief description of the project. A project description should be written so that anyone unfamiliar with the project can read and understand what the project is about. Include a brief description of the organisation and the problem or opportunity that led to initiating the project.
4. Measurable organisational value (MOV) - The MOV is the goal of the project and is used to define the value that your project will bring to the client .It will also be used to evaluate whether your project was a success later on. In reality, you work very closely with your internal or external customer in developing an MOV. Your responsibility would be to lead the process, while the user groups would commit to specific areas of impact, metrics and time frames. Once the MOV is defined, it becomes the responsibility of all the project stakeholders to agree whether the MOV is realistic and achievable .For the purposes of this assignment, you will have to come up an MOV on your own. You are free to be creative, but please strive to make MOV more realistic .For our purposes, learning how to develop an MOV is an important process.
Use following steps to define your projects MOV:
a. Identify the desired area of impact-at this point, what areas do you think are the most important to your organization? Rank the following areas in terms of their importance and describe the impact on each
• Strategic
• Customer
• Financial
• Operational
• Social
b. Identify the desired value of the IT project
Value to an organisation can come from doing something better faster or less expensively. On the other hand, it can come from growth by doing more of something that the