Analysis of Shana Milestone’s Seaview Apartment
Student Name/Number: Ruining Yang /3341687
Contact phone number: 0413773343
Course name: Business Computing
Class number:ISYS-3314
Group time: 9:30-11:30 Thursday 2:30-4:30 Friday
Tutors ‘name: Michelle Edwards
Contents 1
Introduction 2
Analysis 2 Profitability 2 Popularity 4 Off season and busy season 6
Other Issues to consider 6
Recommendations 7
Shana Milestone is the manager of “Seaview Apartments” a small apartment complex situated 300 meters from the beach in Rye, a beachside town on the Mornington Peninsula. She owns four apartments (a deluxe studio apartment, a one bedroom, a one bedroom deluxe and a two bedroom). Apartments are fully self-contained. Shana advertises in local newspapers and takes bookings over the phone and by email. She has several regular customers, including a number of local residents who frequently book accommodation for friends who are visiting the area.
The apartments are rented out according to a set nightly rate. The rate changes according to the particular apartment being rented. If a customer rents an apartment for longer than six days then all days are charged at a 15% discounted rate.
This report will analysis current properties of the seaview apartment and suggest some possible advice to help her increase profitability and popularity.
|Apartment Name |Total Profit per Apartment |Percentage of Total Profit |
|One Bedroom | $1,727.00 |6.84% |
|Two Bedroom | $5,294.00 |20.96% |
|Deluxe Studio |