(Critical Analysis Template)
Name: Jasper Esmalla Class: BUSI 560 Section: Spring 2011
Critical Analysis Topic: Business Ethics and the Real Estate
PRINCIPLE: ◆ Defined as the standard by which one judges between moral right and wrong (Lawrence & Weber, 2011). o Covers every area in the business: - Accounting and financial responsibility - Marketing and advertising - Information Technology ◆ Is the application of ethical ideas in the business world. ◆ The purpose is to provide guidance to managers and employees to follow company policies and societal laws. ◆ Ethical policies and codes can enhance the business’ identity and reputation in the community (Argenti, 2009). ◆ Is vital to the success of big corporations and non-profit organizations as well as start-up businesses. ◆ Can be demonstrated through corporate responsibility and corporate citizenship. ◆ Are a valuable advantage to attain positive company recognition and presents managers and employees with a positive structure.
PRACTICE: ◆ Businesses have an ethical obligation to operate in a manner to obey the law (Friedman, 2000). ◆ Generally accepted practice of businesses due to the legal ramifications of unethical acts. ◆ Companies and businesses increasingly recognize the importance of ethics and reputation to achieve business goals and stay competitive in the global market. ◆ Every company must employ and practice legal and truthful advertising (Pivar, 159-164). ◆ Without ethics, there are truly no boundaries and disaster can lead to financial ruin (Dunham, Walczak, Carney, & Woellert, 2002). ◆ Personal values and character can affect the company’s ethical culture and vice versa. ◆ Courtesy and consideration should form the basis of ethical conduct (Vajda, 2008).
PARTICULARS: ◆ Unethical practices are governed by different entities: o The Copyright Act (Bagley & Savage, 2006) o The Civil Rights Act o Patent and
References: Daly, M. (2007, February 18). How two pilots put silver lining in JetBlue clouds. Retrieved from New York Daily News website: http://www.nydailynews.com/front/story/498669p-420276c.html Gitomer, J. (2000). How managers slip up in hiring and retaining employees. Long Island Business News (7/1993 to 5/2009), 50(27), 23A. Retrieved from Regional Business News database. Olson, A. (1998). Authoring a Code of Ethics: Observations on Process and Organization. Retrieved from Illinois Institute of Technology: http://ethics.iit.edu/index1.php/Programs/Codes%20of%20Ethics/Authoring%20a%20Code%20of%20Ethics Pomoni, C http://www.lexisnexis.com.ezproxy.liberty.edu:2048/hottopics/lnacademic/?shr=t&csi=7955&sr=HLEAD(Horror+worlds.)+and+date+is+November,%202010 Thompson & Thompson Law (2010) USDOJ. (2010, March). Copyright and Policy Requirements. Retrieved from Department of Justice website: http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/ovc/publications/infores/pubguidelines/issues.html USPTO Vajda, P. (2008, December 25). Betrayal: The ultimate trust-buster. Retrieved from Management Issues website: http://www.management-issues.com/2008/12/25/opinion/betrayal-the-ultimate-trust-buster.asp Volunteer Canada Bagley, C.E., & Savage, D.W., (2006). Managers and the legal environment: Strategies for the 21st century, 5th ed. Barrell, D. (2000). Ethics and Real Estate. Dearbor Financial Publishing, Inc: Chicago, IL. Kotler, P., and Keller, K.L. (2009, 13th ed). Marketing Management. Lawrence, A.T., & Weber, J. (2011). Business and Society: stakeholders, ethics, public policy (13th ed.). Pivar, W.H., Harlan D.H. (1995, 3rd edition). Real Estate Ethics: Good Ethics = Good Business. Smith, Bucklin & Associates (2000). The complete guide to nonprofit management, 2nd ed.