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Cover page
Title should relate to objectives.
Example of title -
Unit 1
List and describe objectives of Firm X, classify and assess the importance of each claimed stakeholder. or Discuss the decision making factors and tools applied in Firm X.
NB: Firm X is the company that you are investigating. Unit 2
Evaluate the motivational strategies employed by Firm X in light of (a named theory) of motivation or Describe the prevailing leadership style in Firm X in terms of the roles played and skills employed by n of its managers
Heading of cover page:
Name of Candidate:
Registration number
Centre Number
Subject : CAPE Internal Assessment - Management of Business Unit 1 Aims and Objectives
This describes what your research paper seeks to answer.
Personal Aims – What you personally hope to achieve from this project
Project Aims – This is where student identifies the specific objectives (from the syllabus) that must be discussed and relate them to the organisation being investigated. . Objectives must be chosen from one module only. Any number of objectives is acceptable but the objectives must relate.
Mark Scheme
Objectives of the project well defined 2
Objectives of the project appropriate 2
Objectives of the project realistic and achievable 2
Methodology Employed
Research methodology
Write a brief paragraph on what you plan to achieve for the project.
Research planning and design
What was the research plan? What is the research design? What method was used and why? What were the challenges that you faced and how were they resolved?
Ie, How was the research structured? People interviewed? Why chosen? Questions – what did the questions seek to determine?
Description and selection of the sample 2
How was the sample selected? Was it random or purposeful?
Describe the sample - gender, age, job title, length of