Business Research: Part One Team D has chosen McDonald’s as our organization. We believe that the biggest challenge currently facing McDonald’s is meeting the demand for healthier menu options. Many health and educational organizations blame McDonalds for the obesity epidemic that plagues the young and old alike. The focus on health has increased dramatically in the last few years, and while McDonalds is a fast-food giant and kid favorite, the organization must find ways to appeal to health-conscious adult as well.
The Research Question
To create healthier menus at McDonalds Restaurants, researchers must make several considerations. First, they must determine what kinds of foods that consumers might consider to be “healthy". Beyond that, the foods that consumers would be most willing to purchase in a fast-food setting at McDonald’s must be decided. Some of these questions are attributed to McDonald’s inability to capture market share from its competitors hold on the health-conscious adults as a result of a long history of serving up unhealthy menus in a new health-conscious world. Ultimately, the research question in this exploratory stage would be: What foods can McDonalds add to its current menu to promote a healthy lifestyle? The Hypothesis?
To create healthier menus for McDonalds consumers, researchers should know what McDonald’s competitors are offering that is allowing them to maintain a positive image on healthy living. If the general public perception of the world’s largest fast food chain is one known to promote unhealthy living by serving up greasy fries and greasy hamburgers since its conception in 1940, McDonald’s research team must begin by relaying a positive message that will effectively change the restaurant’s image. Although response to that will vary widely, our hypothesis is that offering a wide selection of salads will top the
References: Cooper, D., & Schindler, P. (2001). Business research methods (11th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill/Irwin.