XCOM/285 Essentials of Managerial Communication
Business Writing Portfolio
Business writing is important with a company to ensure effective communication to all individuals involved. I write business letters all day long and implement these techniques on a daily basis but I often use the wrong type of communication internally. It is important to consider your reader when composing your communication and what type of information is necessary to convey to your readers. This class has helped me to improve the writing I do every day and communicate effectively with all those that I work with. Knowing what information each group of individuals needs has helped me to improve my communication in all aspects of work and academically. [pic]
|Steps to business Writing |
|Planning |Writing |Revising |Editing and Finalizing |
|Analyze your problem and audience |Begin writing your information. |This is where you begin to put it |Check your document for spelling |
|so you can define the purpose of |Free write for at least 10 minutes.|all together and polish up your |and grammar, word choice and |
|your writing. |Pick out the key points you are |information. |format. |
|Plan out your time; what is your |attempting to communicate. |Compile all submissions from other |Does it satisfy the standard |
|deadline? |Put it all together; remember this |contributors. |English requirements. |
|Break up one big project into |is your rough draft it does not |Evaluate the information, is this |Check for the “you” tone |
|smaller more